Chapel Street Methodist Church Penzance

A good place to meet with God


We are always happy to greet visitors and new people to Chapel Street.  Details on our location can be found on Contact Us but we are right in the heart of Penzance.

location in Penzance

Details on our Sunday worship and other activities are below.  For information on other events, visit News and Events

DISABLED ACCESS at the rear of the building.  Please leave a clear access route (the same width of the ramp to the rear door), alongside Regent House to the gate posts.


Our main worship services take place on Sunday mornings. We aim to provide an opportunity to encounter Jesus through contemporary style worship at 10:45am ... it is relaxed and informal.

Music is provided by our band; we listen to a talk, usually from the church’s minister, which is based on the Bible but always has some practical life application; and we share either in an informal celebration of holy communion or a time of response and prayer.

View of the main sanctuary

Some services in the year will include traditional worship, using hymns with organ accompaniment when possible: our organ is said to be one of the finest in Cornwall.  Join in a time of intercessory prayer, hear a Bible-based sermon and once a month, share in Holy Communion.

Chapel street organ

Coffee, tea and biscuits are served after our Sunday morning Worship.

Other Activities

During the week our home groups meet, some in the evening and some during the day, providing an opportunity for Bible-based learning, life sharing and prayer.

A group of church members comes together for prayer each Saturday morning at 10.00am.  This is followed by a coffee morning at 10.30am on most Saturday mornings.  All are welcome, to chat and share a drink and cakes, to raise funds for a whole range of local, national and international charities.

Little Fishes is run for children under five and their carers. Weekly activities take place in term time on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30am.  This is a wonderful opportunity for fun play, chat and refreshments.

A book group meets on the first Friday of each month at 10.00am in the vestry.  All are welcome to come and join us.

For further information on any of these activities please contact us or come to a Sunday worship service and speak to our minister or one of the stewards.

Methodist churches in the area
CSMC is one of the five churches that make up Methodists Around Penzance (MAP).  
To find out more about these and other churches in the area, please visit the West Cornwall circuit website.